Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Our whole family on a camping trip up at Ellensburg. But when we were there we brought bb guns and wanted to go shoot a rattle snake. so we would always go hunting for them, we hunted but never saw one. There were lizards and we shot them. When we went asleep there, me and my brother slept out side and everone els slept inside in this little cabin. I woke up early one day and i heard a snake and i was really scared. So i ran out of the tent and just go away from the tent and just walked around. Later that day we went to the tom petty concert at the gordge. Then after that the next day we went to a bull riding place and we watched people get thrown off bulls and stuff.I liked the trip exept for the part when i heard the raddle snake when i was sleeping. But if i got another chance to go there i would.


Sarah said...

That sounds like it was really fun because I love camping and think it is fun myself.

Mr. Bergquist said...

Edit this post for capitalization.