Thursday, May 29, 2008


Our whole family on a camping trip up at Ellensburg. But when we were there we brought bb guns and wanted to go shoot a rattle snake. so we would always go hunting for them, we hunted but never saw one. There were lizards and we shot them. When we went asleep there, me and my brother slept out side and everone els slept inside in this little cabin. I woke up early one day and i heard a snake and i was really scared. So i ran out of the tent and just go away from the tent and just walked around. Later that day we went to the tom petty concert at the gordge. Then after that the next day we went to a bull riding place and we watched people get thrown off bulls and stuff.I liked the trip exept for the part when i heard the raddle snake when i was sleeping. But if i got another chance to go there i would.

The Paper Cuter

As I write In my journal I see this dark green paper cuter. It cuts up to 16 inches! It was amazing. It has a spring so when you cut it returns the cuter leaving less work. It has a built in measuring system what tell you how far you cut is. i think this is a high tech peice of work. If i had enoff money i would buy one of these. but these must cost a million dollors.
i really dont think it costs that much for reaL the point in my short story is just this paper cuter looks top of the line. Mr. bergquist is lucky to have this.

Monday, May 5, 2008

First day of school

my first day of 8th grade was weird. i dident know any of the teachers. so my first teacher was mr. b. the only thing that i knew about him is that he always played basketball at lunch. so i thought it wouldent be that bad. when class started i really started to enjoyed the class. he was the adventure edd guy so i thought he would let us go outside a lot this year. "but he hasent. i am adding this sentence from 3/4 done with the year hoping that mr. b will read this."
Thats my first 2 periods of school in the begining of the year.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Rob and Big

One of my favriote tv show. Now they are canceling it becuase big black had a baby. I really liked that show because they always do funny things. Istead of doing my homework when i get home from school i like to go watch rob and big. One of the episodes big black wanted to see how much he weighed. He ended up by going to the recycel place and using the scale. then they tryed to put big black on a diet and when they got home he was eating a cheese burger.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Rain

The rain sucks. This weekend I wanted to go outside and do something but the rain stoped me. Their is nothing good about the rain. Snow you can go have fights in. Wind if you really wanted to you could fly a kite sun you can go swimming and do anything but rain there is nothing fun. The only good thing is that it helps plants go and it is fun to ride gokarts in it because its really slik. so thats what i say about rain.


My vice piriciabal Mr.tarhar, he is really mean. Everyone does not like him and wants him to leave the school. Yesterday I was tossing little rocks at a grate next to the locker room and he yelled at me and told me to go to the office. We were talking at the office and I would ask him if he knew that knowbody likes him and he wouldent answer me and he wouldent listin and just talk about somthing else. Everyday he kicks me and shane out of the multi purpose room for messing around with the matts witch is not hurting anything but he still kicked us out.