Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Rain

The rain sucks. This weekend I wanted to go outside and do something but the rain stoped me. Their is nothing good about the rain. Snow you can go have fights in. Wind if you really wanted to you could fly a kite sun you can go swimming and do anything but rain there is nothing fun. The only good thing is that it helps plants go and it is fun to ride gokarts in it because its really slik. so thats what i say about rain.


Sae Kashiwagi said...

Well Alex, I'd have to say I disagree with you, because there are a lot of fun things to do in the rain. I love the rain. You can do almost anything except stay dry. You know that smell in the air that happens just before it rains? This may sound weird, but if you get the chance, try it. it relaxes a person.

sarah S. said...

I like this because you hate rain just like me. the rain sucks majorly bad.

daniel said...

i liked this entry because you explained the obviously dont like the should find something you can do in the rain. that might make you not hate it as much.

Q ball said...

I agree because I hate the rain too. I didn't think you could write about the rain but you pulled it off. Great job on this entry. Keep writing. I want to know more.