Wednesday, December 12, 2007



Games were something to do during the festival. The games that they played back then were a lot different. These days most games are video games. Back then they are always out side running and playing hoop and javelin and hard games like that. They would sing a lot of songs if they got a good hunting day they would sing about that. People would also dance around the fire light at night. They would play ball and racket, hoop and javelin, and pa-tol stick game. They would play games because one of their religion and they were fun. “Because everyone likes games”. They would also hunt as a game slash practice. Because you really need to work on those skills. Without practicing these skill they will probley die of starvation.

What people ate on Thanksgiving was just about anything because it was a feast. They ate corn, turnips, pecan pie, pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes, turkey, deer, and a lot more. All the things here were all freshly picked foods and cooked however they eat it. They did this because of the surplus of all the crops that Squanto got to them. He showed them all the tips to make wonderful crops. Food was really important to people in thanksgiving. People don’t know why there was a thanksgiving; you just think that it is a day when you eat a lot of stuff. But it is because of Squanto.

Squanto was born in 1585 and died in 1622. In his life span, there was a deadly disease that spreaded all the way to Wampanoag and it killed 50 out 110 people. When Squanto died he was on a ship doing a voyage and he bled to death from his nose. He showed the English a lot. With out Squanto they would have probley been dead. Squanto showed them how to grow crops, new seeds, right time to plant crops, and how to hoe the fields with dead fish and clam shells.

The pilgrims couldn’t have lived without Squanto. He showed them how to plant crops and everything about them so they would grow. September 6, 1620 pilgrims set sail for the new world. It was a 60 day trip all they ate was cold food, their ship name was Mayflower. On the trip there biggest fear was being attacked by Native Americans. Winter was devastating; snow just was too bad it killed all of their crops which made people starve.

William Bradford
William Bradford was elected governor of Plymouth in the Massachusetts Bay Colony shortly after the Separatists landed. His life span was 1590-1657. He had a journal keeping 30 years of his like. William was a Plymouth settler. In 1622 William and Squanto sailed south from Plymouth to Cape Cod. William died February 20, 1624. He thought of a holiday “Thanksgiving” for thanking god for the wonderful crops this year.” When he died he made a wish and he said,” further my Will is that my son Josepth bee made in some sort equall to his brthern out of my estat.”

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