Thursday, October 11, 2007

rear window

This is a film that my teacher had us watch and here is a summery about the movie rear window

L.B Jefferies lives on 125 west 9th street Manhatton, New York. He is a photographer that travels the world for a magazine. Jefferies is stuck in his apartment for 6 weeks with a broken leg. It’s summer 90 degrees, horribly hot.
Mr. Jefferies is struggling because he has a girlfriend that wants to get married but he doesn’t. He has neighbors that are odd. There is a dancer, a middle aged women that drinks and pops pills, and a musical person The couple that owns a dog have a cool trick to get it downstairs to go to the bathroom, is there is a rope with a basket on it and they put the dog in it and crank it down.
Mr. Jefferies thinks that Thorwald has murdered his wife because she has been missing and he has been taking her jewelry. Thornwold instantly sees the dog digging in their garden so he killed the dog that night. Mr. Jefferies put a far away Lens on his camera so he can spy on him. At the kitchen sink he saw him cleaning then wrapping up a saw blade and a butcher knife. Tom, a plaineclothes cop doesn’t believe Jefferies about the murder.
When Stella went over to Thornwalds house to check it out he came home and caught her so the police came. They put Stella in cuffs and took her away because she broken in someone’s house. Stella yelled to Mr. Jefferies to help, but Thornwald saw and heard that and walked over to Mr. Jefferies house. Mr. Jefferies tried to flash his camera to blind him but that didn’t work so Thordwald threw him out the window. He ended up with two broken legs.
Mr. Jefferies knew what he saw and know body believed him. The lady didn’t or even the officer. So I think If I was a cop for anything like that I would check it out before I just say I don’t believe it or else and can end up as bad as this. Then I would be sorry.
2007 some day that year


Q ball said...

o yea that movie was pretty boring

Patricks blog said...

that movie sucked it was so boring

@nthony said...

that movie was really boring! I mean i didn't even get the essay we were supost to do!! lol

Mr. S said...

I did'nt see the movie but I thouhgt Alex's summary was pretty good.

Patrick said...

this was cool because i had to write an essay too!!!!!!