Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Rain

The rain sucks. This weekend I wanted to go outside and do something but the rain stoped me. Their is nothing good about the rain. Snow you can go have fights in. Wind if you really wanted to you could fly a kite sun you can go swimming and do anything but rain there is nothing fun. The only good thing is that it helps plants go and it is fun to ride gokarts in it because its really slik. so thats what i say about rain.


My vice piriciabal Mr.tarhar, he is really mean. Everyone does not like him and wants him to leave the school. Yesterday I was tossing little rocks at a grate next to the locker room and he yelled at me and told me to go to the office. We were talking at the office and I would ask him if he knew that knowbody likes him and he wouldent answer me and he wouldent listin and just talk about somthing else. Everyday he kicks me and shane out of the multi purpose room for messing around with the matts witch is not hurting anything but he still kicked us out.