Monday, February 25, 2008


Mr. Orr is my favroite sub. He is the best becasue he gives good advise and tells good storys. He would tell me good things like when he taught school back then. Mr. Orr always knows what where doing because he goes to this school a lot. The answers every question right. He is an all out funny guy. He handed out card and a poster for prizes that he always carrys in his breef case.


Our school L.M.S is junk. In the two story the bathroom is fluding. It's the second time its done it in 2 years. So while I was in mr. bergquist class we walked out of it and there was water everywere. The two story was way fluded. So the class had to go to the homech room and do our work there. Every week we have a friday show that the school produces and mr.snelling took a picture of the suage that backed up to end the clip and it was really funny. Now in mr. bergquist class we have to go to room 119 becasue its a big mess. Where the flud is they have sealed that part of the building with black tarp.
The bottom line is that our school is a pile of junk. It has been doing this for 5 years and they do crapy jobs fixing it. Everyone is real ticked off and they dont fix it the first time so its just going to get worse.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

My Interactive Fiction

My interactive fiction is about 3 mean evil villans. There is optumus prime, planton, and the troll. you have to get the right things to get past the 3 villans. you win this game bye getting the dyminde. There is a gun in my game but it can only stop one villian becuase you got to find the right things to kill the certin villan. in my game you will go throught adventure and this will really be intence. so play the game and you will find out about the game.