Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Our whole family on a camping trip up at Ellensburg. But when we were there we brought bb guns and wanted to go shoot a rattle snake. so we would always go hunting for them, we hunted but never saw one. There were lizards and we shot them. When we went asleep there, me and my brother slept out side and everone els slept inside in this little cabin. I woke up early one day and i heard a snake and i was really scared. So i ran out of the tent and just go away from the tent and just walked around. Later that day we went to the tom petty concert at the gordge. Then after that the next day we went to a bull riding place and we watched people get thrown off bulls and stuff.I liked the trip exept for the part when i heard the raddle snake when i was sleeping. But if i got another chance to go there i would.

the evil grasshoper

one day there was a lady bug that was cleaning here at home. while she was trying to do that she turned on the music but when she did she herd a cricket,cricket,cricket. she thought her stereo was broken so she went to allis the catipiller. allis dident have much to say about the stereo becasue it was fine. then the lady bug had enough so she went to pecky the turkey. all she said was it is thanksgiving pretty soon and she needs to find a way to get somewere els. the lady bug was so tired of the noise she just went to bed. when she got in there was some light was shinning on this picture that she doesent remember so she walks up to it ans it goes, cricket . then she said, "got ya". and pushed out the cricket head from the window and said dont make me get patty the gecko.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Alex Boenish

My Claymation is about Henry Hudson. This project was an all around pretty fun project, we got to play with clay, use cameras, and use the computers. We also have to be creative when we make these things. This was my first time doing Claymation so if I think if I had another chance to do this I would improve my grade. I would have new I ideas to try out to. So now I am going to tell you a little about how I did this project. And if you read this it might help you on you project if you do something like this.
The first thing we did during this project was making out ten subtopics about Henry and then have five facts under each on of them. That was probley the hardest paper of them all. We also had to do the story board which we had to sketch what they do and what there going to say in the skit. During those assignments this project it was really boring I thought we would never get to the clay. The day finally came we finally got the clay.
The first day working on the clay we made Henry Hudson. We were taking a lot of time making the guy because we wanted everything perfect. We found out we don’t have enough time for that so we sort of had to hurry up. So after that we had to make one guy each everyday and just hurry up on them because they were c taking to long. We always needed an extra day, “every day”. In the class time was like money you always needed it. Through the clay making we finally got good at making people and it came really easy and we were taking pictures for our film pretty fast.
The computer work was probley the most challenging part with the audio and all the special effects. I started to get a hang in how to use the computer when were almost done with the project. This part was the second hardest thing we had to do because I don’t have the Imacs at home and don’t really know the programs. Some of the computer work was fun when we did voice I remember a lot of laughing. So if I were doing this project again I think I would get to know the computers better. And trust me it is hard using a computer that you are not using at home because it is very hard.
Through out this project I think there were hard parts, and easy parts, and funny ones. That really helped because a pure hard project with no fun is difficult because I get board of the project and just give up on it. It helped out is how my teacher wanted parts of the project due and not one due date. That is just too much when there is a huge project due. But I am in 8th grade and I think I will have to handle a big project and maybe not how I want it but I have to do it. I know that will come. Try some of the tips that I gave you like working with the new program that you haven’t used before so you know how to get it done and you don’t have to make everything perfect because you will run out of time.

Monday, November 5, 2007